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Physical Security Assessment

The GTBS Group's security assessments are intended to offer customers the most precise real-time status of personal and professional security. They are applicable to businesses, families, and individuals alike. These assessments start with a brief overview of basic information to determine the scale and scope of the assessment requirements. Customers will receive a comprehensive report, recommendations, and various options to address any identified security issues. The typical timeframe for this assessment is usually 5 to 10 days.

Assessment Elements include:

  • Client Background

  • Travel Patterns - Known Stops / Work / Home / School / etc.

  • Home Security - Weak Points / ID Safe Rooms, building an emergency action plan

  • Vehicle Security and Safety Features

  • Medical Training with Minimal Equipment

  • Empty Hand Combatives

  • Weapons Handling if Requested or Desired

  • Weapon Selection for Personal Defense

  • Scenario Planning / Training - Home / Vehicle / Work

  • Active Shooter Drills - Escape and Evasion - Restraint Defeat

  • Use of Environmental Objects as Weapons to Gain a Tactical or Situational Advantage 

  • Live Fire Vehicle Lab

  • Additional Elements as Dictated by Specific Client Need / Request


TTP Testing & Development

TTP Testing and Development aims to elevate the tactical standards of professionals and organizations to a higher level.


Tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) are essential for tactical professionals and their teams. They need to become second nature, understood by everyone from the most junior member upward. TTPs are what you rely on when everything goes wrong and chaos ensues. If your team doesn't have standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place, it's never too late to establish them. Mastering your team's TTPs/SOPs will enhance both your individual and overall team performance.

We take the time to thoroughly discuss every part of the team, including the equipment everyone uses, how to place medical gear on each person, what to do during missions, and how to plan them. Based on our extensive military experience, we believe that focusing on these aspects is crucial for the success of the unit and for reducing risks to the entire force.

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Custom / Private Training

Custom/private training can vary greatly depending on the end goals and the experience level of individuals or families seeking training. We provide private training for individuals or small groups, regardless of experience level. We carefully evaluate each group and encourage honesty about everyone's experience. Additionally, we offer mobile training options where we can travel to clients who have access to suitable facilities and ranges for training. Depending on availability, we can also host small private groups at our Virginia Beach facility.

A Typical Training Day includes:

  1. Starting with a fitness session focused on human performance in the morning.

  2. Having breakfast, followed by a shower, and discussions to ensure everyone shares the same mindset.

  3. Reviewing gear and practicing safe weapon handling techniques.

  4. Depending on the goal, we provide training for home defense.

  5. Continuing this progression until the training session is finished and the goal is achieved.

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